Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Watch those rates...

As I expected, rates went up last week and currently changed the payment the of 3 of my current clients. Now,we have to look at lesser priced homes and/or go into other areas to view homes in our price range. Many times I have clients tell me that they want to buy because of prices being so low. What they also have to consider is the current rate they get their financing at. Here's an example, my client went from being able to buy at $280k last month, to now only qualifing for $250k. This is the only way she can keep the same payment.

I believe inflation was the cause of the recent increase in rates. Typically we see changes in the rates around the summer time for one reason or another. If you've got pre-qualified in the last 3 months and haven't spoken to your lender in a while, I highly encourage you to give them a call to confirm your payment once again. Don't be victim of payment shock with the new rates...