Saturday, August 15, 2009

Summit Event in the Desert

For those that don't know, I have a business coach that fills me in every week with the latest trends and issues dealing with Real Estate. Well, this last week, Tom Ferry ( my coach) had his yearly event that spoke to about 2000 top agents from all over the nation. He spoke about the current Buyers Market that we are experiencing, the Foreclosures situation and most importantly, how to better communication with the public and get more involved with the conversation that is occurring between Realtors, buyers, seller, investors, etc... One of the major topics was about social media and house to get connect with this conversation that most of us don't know even exist. So, my pledge after the event is to become even more informed and connected by subscribing to and ( and facebook search alexander piana).

Ive always said communicaiton is the key in all things Real Estate, so Im excited to get this started.